Saturday, April 6, 2013

Starting a Blog

So here I am, feeling like crap, head splitting, stomach unsettled, sitting at my computer after calling out sick from work, and fighting with myself about how I should just be laying down and resting, yet I hate being unproductive. What should I do? Do I draw? No. I want to, but I'm not really feeling up for that. Do I ink? No. I want to, but I don't really feel I can focus well enough to do that. What do I do!?

I start a blog.

This blog.

And why I started a blog is beyond me. It's not something I've ever really done before, and to be honest, who knows if I'll blog on any sort of regular basis. But at least I'm writing this blog right now!

It's at this point, or perhaps earlier, that you found yourself asking, "Who is this guy and why am I reading his blog?" Your reasons for reading this are totally up to you, but perhaps I can shed some light onto who I am, if you really must know.

Who am I? I am James Porter. I am an artist. And I have been arting for as long as I can remember, drawing my whole life. Graphic Design Student and Bartender are two of my current positions. Did I mention I love to draw? Because I do. And I don't do enough of it. That's kind of a bummer, but I'm trying to rectify that. Here's how...

My fiancé's five year old son has gotten into comic book characters as of late - Spider-Man, The X-Men, The Avengers, etc. - thanks to yours truly, and his excitement for them has kind of rekindled the excitement I once had more frequently as a kid. I swear, he draws these heroes and villains every day it seems, putting my pencil to paper frequency to shame. But I have always loved comic art. I've been following comic artists online for quite some time now, and love the idea of drawing my own large art boards of characters and scenes, much like I used to do as a kid on a smaller scale. So I started drawing with him, side by side, sometimes with the idea of framing some cool artwork as gifts to him.

That whole thing got me interested in the process of how people actually make comics, and I started looking into it for fun - because I don't have time to do it any more seriously than that, what with school and work and what not. It's a really interesting process and I pulled out some comic art board that I had bought a couple years back because I found it in an art store and was fascinated with and started drawing. I found that inking with pens was fun. I found that inking with crow quill pens was even more fun! Yeah, I've kinda fallen in love with inking. While most of my artwork in the past couple years has been digital, it's been great getting my hands dirty with traditional mediums again.

So I've been finding pencil artwork by accomplished comic artists online and have started inking them for practice. I've been starting to learn how to color digitally like the professionals do. Learning slowly, of course. Trying to teach myself too many things at once is hard and slow, but passion will do that to you at times. Inquiring minds want to know! I can't wait till the day when I can have an idea for a scene or pin-up, draw it, ink it, color it, print it, frame it, sell it, give it away, whatever!

So this has turned into a much longer first blog than I originally anticipated. I'm going to end it here. If you read the whole thing, kudos to you. Maybe you read something that'll make you come back and read the next entry. Who knows what else I'll blog about. Most definitely art related stuff, perhaps music. Stuff I'm passionate about. Anyways...

Rock on,


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